How Does Social Media Cause Anxiety?

In our highly-digital lifestyle, social media has become one of the critical aspects of many people’s lives. Even with the array of options available, many people still only talk to certain people on social media. While the various platforms have benefits and drawbacks unique to each of them, they all come with a common downside that is just now becoming apparent. Many people are starting to wonder “How does social media cause anxiety?” We’re going to take a look at what the contributing factors are, and what, if anything, can be done to manage the negative effects.

The Pressure to Perform

One of the biggest reasons that social media causes anxiety is the constant “pressure to perform”. Social platforms constantly encourage people to post what they’re doing and to showcase their lives, but this isn’t always healthy. It can lead to constantly comparing ourselves to others in our social media circles, which can lead to anxiety and depression.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

FOMO is another significant reason that social media causes anxiety. The tendency of social media to make people feel like without constant updates they are missing out on valuable media means people feel badly when they cannot experience social media. This can increase feelings of isolation as well as anxiety.

Cyberbullying and Trolling

Cyberbullying and trolling are more reasons that social media is uniquely equipped to cause increased anxiety. These are often driven by the highly anonymized nature of the internet, which allows individuals to make hurtful or even dangerous comments without the fear of direct consequences. These intensely negative interactions can lead to chronic anxiety.

Political Divisiveness

The impact of social media on anxiety is also seen in the constant division caused by political arguments on various social media platforms. These divides can become very heated and can create significant amounts of friction, stress, and anxiety, particularly within families. This can create incredible feelings of anxiety for anyone involved. 

The Impact of Screen Time

Another way that social media causes anxiety is through the overall impact of increased screen time. Studies have shown that higher amounts of screen time, particularly before bed, can lead to sleep disturbances, which can make anxiety worse. Additionally, constantly checking our devices for notifications and updates can lead to developing compulsive behaviors. 

Tips for Managing Social Media Anxiety

Now that you’re more familiar with how social media causes anxiety, you’re probably ready for some actionable ways that you can start managing that anxiety, right? Here are a few to get you started:

  1. Set Boundaries: Limit the time you spend on social media specifically, as well as the amount of time you spend on screens in general.

  2. Be Selective: Choose only platforms that add value and joy to your life, and either unfollow or mute negative or triggering accounts.

  3. Practice Self-Care: Remember that social media isn’t life. Focus on your life, not your feed.

  4. Seek Support: If you’re struggling with social media anxiety, consider reaching out to a professional for guidance.

Sometimes You Need More Help

If you’ve taken steps to limit your social media intake, but you find you’re still wrestling with significant feelings of anxiety, you may need more than lifestyle changes can offer, you might need to talk to a professional. Partnering with a professional therapist can help you learn about your anxiety, what the root causes are, and how best to cope with and manage that anxiety long-term. It may be as simple as learning some new coping skills, but it may also require medication or other types of therapy to help manage. Reach out today and get started learning how to manage the symptoms of your anxiety.


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